Description of categories of publication or rejection
  1. News item: Brief notice or announcement of a conference or workshop, publication of a book, or other information that is of interest for the readers of the InterJournal. Similar to professional publications the relevance of the News item should be identified by the area of interest.

  2. General Audience Letter: Brief manuscript for a general audience in all areas of science, akin to publication as a letter in Science or Nature.

  3. Professional Letter: Brief manuscript for a general audience in one area of science, akin to a publication in a Letters journal such as Physical Review Letters, Chemistry Letters, Applied Physics Letters etc.

  4. Review Article: Longer manuscript whose subject matter would typically be of interest for a subfield, however is of interest for a broader level of audience, by virtue of its superior pedagogical treatment, expanded references, collection of valuable information from disparate sources, or quality of presentation. Akin to a publication in a Reviews of ... journal.

  5. Brief Article: Brief manuscript of similar length to a Letter whose content is of interest for most active professional colleagues. Akin to a publication in a respected archival journal.

  6. Article: Manuscript whose content is of interest for most active professional colleagues. Of substantial enough contribution to be worthy of the time and interest of these colleagues. Akin to a publication in a respected archival journal.

  7. Report: Manuscript whose content presents novel material or discussions that are of interest for professionals pursuing a particular line of inquiry into a problem of general significance. Akin to a publication in a topical archival journal.

  8. Reject: Manuscript is substantially in error or explicitly duplicates existing work (provide references for explicit duplication in comment area) or is original but of a quality unworthy of inclusion in an archival journal.

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